Invite Your Legislator

Call to Action – Host your Legislator!

Step One: Find out who your legislator is

  1. Go to
  2. At the top of the page, click on “Search for Legislative Information.”
  3. Scroll down to “Find legislator by Zip Code.”
  4. Enter the zip +4 for your facility (this is critical since it will narrow the search down to your exact legislators; if you don’t know your extra 4 digits, there is a link on that page to the postal service website)
  5. You will then see the name of your Representative and your Senator. Click on their names. This will bring up their contact information.


Step Two: Contact your Legislator

  1. Write an introductory email or letter to your legislator introducing yourself and explaining what you do as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist. In the letter, invite the legislator to come visit your workplace.
  2. Wait a few days after sending the email/letter and follow up with a telephone call to your legislators in their Columbus offices.
  3. Ask to speak with their legislative or administrative aide; Explain that you are a constituent and that you are calling to follow up on your written invitation. Ask if they will help you get a visit scheduled.
  4. Work with the legislator’s staff to arrange all of the visit details. Be sure to ask how much time the legislator will be able to spend at your workplace so that you can plan the visit accordingly.
  5. Contact OSSPEAC to let them know about your arrangements; they will contact the OSHGAC lobbyists, who will provide you with additional materials for the visit.


Step Three: Host your Legislator

  1. Plan a visit schedule that conforms with the time the legislator has available. Make sure you allow time for the legislator to not only tour your workplace but also talk with the children you serve and other staff.
  2. With the legislator’s permission, take digital photos of the visit, which can be used for press releases, etc.


Step Four: Follow-up with your Legislator

  1. Within two to three days of the visit, send your legislator a handwritten note thanking him/her for taking the time to visit your workplace. In the note, remind your legislator about the importance of speech and hearing services to his constituents.
  2. Make yourself a note to invite your legislator back in the following year, or sooner if circumstances warrant (new building, new programs, etc.)