S.O.S. Grant

  1. Grant Information

The Support our Students (SOS) Grant fund is designed for OSSPEAC members to purchase products that will assist students in accessing their educational curriculum.  OSSPEAC members may complete and submit applications describing the need for a specific item and how it would benefit students.  Members may submit applications for more than one item, but each request must be submitted on a separate application form.  Applications must be received by December 31st.  Grant awards will range from $250-$1000.  If a product’s cost exceeds $1000, the overall cost may be subsidized.

Interested OSSPEAC Members must:

  1. Complete the entire application
  2. Submit the application by December 31st.

Thank you for your interest in the SOS Grant. The application window has closed for this year. Please check back in the all of 2025 when we will begin accepting applications for the 2026 SOS Grant. 

Current Winner 2023: Carrie Spangler 

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Carrie Spangler is an educational audiologist at Summit ESC. Carrie used th SOS funds to provide lunch for Summit ALPS meetings (Advocacy and Leadership Peer Support for deaf/hard of hearing teens. ALPS is a positive transition and leadership program for teens who are deaf/hard of hearing in the Summit/Medina/Portage/Mahoning/Columbiana County region. This program offers important transition activities for middle and high school students who are deaf/hard of hearing in a safe environment.