OSSPEAC Honors Nominations

Do you know anyone who has made great strides this past year, shown exceptional professionalism or leadership, developed a new or innovative process or made a contribution to our field that has made a positive impact for our profession and/or the children we serve? If so, please consider your colleagues for the awards listed below.

2024 Nominations Schedule

  • Honors nominations deadline of August 3, 2024.
  • Committee on Honors will meet in August to review nominations and select this year's recipients.
  • Award recipients will be notified in August.
  • Recipients will be honored in a special way at the OSSPEAC Conference.

The 3 award categories are Honors of OSSPEAC, Founder’s Award, and Outstanding Service Award.

A short description of the award categories is below. We thank you in advance!  If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Bonk at e@bonk.cc


Honors of OSSPEAC

This honor is awarded to a  speech/language pathologist and /or educational audiologist who has worked in a school/educational setting and is currently an OSSPEAC member. This award is presented to  an individual who has  made outstanding contributions through:

  • Participation in/contribution to OSSPEAC
  • Outstanding work as a clinician/supervisor
  • Providing or initiating innovative programming
  • Contribution to publications/literature/research
  • Other areas of achievement  deemed worthy of nomination

Current Winner 2024: Vicki Wade

Previous Winner 2023: Audrey Baker

Founders’ Award

This honor is awarded to up to two members in good standing who exemplify the mission of OSSPEAC,  “Removing Communication  Barriers for  Ohio’s Children” will be honored. The speech/language pathologist and/or educational audiologist will have made an impact through service to their local school district or student(s)  in their school district. The following factors are considered:

  • Improvement of the life of  students who  have speech, language, and hearing needs
  • Collaboration with district  personnel, parents, and students
  • Excellence  in innovative contributions  and programs to the work setting
  • Professionalism
  • Leadership at the  local level

This award is presented by OSSPEAC  in honor of the  Founders’ of OSSPEAC.

Current Winner 2024: Cara O'Flannigan

Previous Winner 2023: Sarah Prahler

Kathleen D. Shelby Outstanding Service Award

This award is presented to an individual who has provided outstanding support to speech/language pathology and/or educational audiology services being provided in a school/educational setting. Recipients may include a  classroom teacher, administrator, classroom assistant, educational interpreter, intervention specialist, occupational or physical therapist,  counselor, social worker, parent,  legislator, or member of another organization.

Current Winner 2024: Lori Hudson

Previous Winner 2023: Ellen Reaser Lasure


Current OSSPEAC Award Winners:

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The 2024 Honors of OSSPEAC was awarded to Vicki Wade

Vicki has worked as an audiologist and member of the Hearing Intervention Department at the Montgomery County Educational Service Center for 21 years. She has acted as a Community of Practice Mentor and is a recognized leader in the field of Educational Audiology and exemplifies living a life of service.

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The 2024 Founder's Award was awarded to speech-language pathologist Cara O'Flannigan

Cara currently works at Kent State University in the position of Program Coordinator - Speech Pathology & Audiology. She has held many positions with OSSPEAC including University Liaison and President. Cara currently serves as Co-Chair of OSSPEAC’s Community of Practice.

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The 2023 Kathleen D. Shelby Outstanding Service Award was awarded to Lori Hudson

Lori works as an Intervention Specialist at Akron Public Schools at Sam Salem Community Learning Center. She works to initiate interventions for students being educated in general ed classrooms & collaborates with teachers & school slps to provide supports that result in increased student self-regulation & ultimately, academic success.