IMPORTANT: License Renewal Deadline Extension
Ohio Board of Speech and Hearing Professionals License Renewal Deadline Extended for All
The deadline for licensure renewal has been extended by the state legislature to allow licensees to accumulate required CEUs, which pandemic restrictions may have prevented them from doing. The extended deadline for completion of required continuing education and paying for renewal is July 1, 2021. Whether you renew on the usual timeline or within the extended timeline, your renewed license will expire December 31, 2022. Details can be found in the Ohio Speech and Hearing Professionals Board December 18 newsletter:
Please note: if you have not completed your continuing education hours for the upcoming renewal, continuing education hours completed during the extension will only be counted toward the current renewal. If, however, you have completed your 20 continuing education hours by December 31, any hours accrued during the January 1 – July 1 extension period will be counted toward your next renewal, even if you do not officially your license renewal at the website until the end of the extension period.