October 2020 GAC Legislative Report
The Legislature is adjourned till after the election, at which time the lame duck session will convene. Any bill that is to be enacted will have to be acted on before December 31, as the Legislative Biennium ends then, at which time every bill not passed or enacted is permanently tabled and will have to be re-introduced in the new legislative session. Items of interest to OSSPEAC that are still active include: education funding reform (HB 305), dyslexia screening for children (HB 436, SB 102), hearing aid coverage (HB 656), and licensure of music and art therapists (SB 238).
GAC and GPG have had to say farewell to Kelly O’Reilly, who has been our lobbyist for 18 years. She began her new position as President and CEO of the Ohio Association of Health Plans on November 1. We will miss her and wish her all the best!
Click here to read the entire legislative report.